Sunday, September 2, 2012

Homosexuality Is Against God's Will – Like It or Not!

Getting Right to the Point!

Homosexuality Is Against God's Will – Like It or Not!

Some Churches and their leaders are wrong to claim that the Bible does not speak out against homosexuality. Indeed, the Scriptures are clear – even quite open and blunt – on the subject. (see Romans 1: 26, 27; First Corinthians 6:9; Timothy 1:10) Simply put, homosexual thoughts or acts are against God’s will and therefore sinful, period. This is not hatred, bigotry, or discrimination; this is just a plain and simple Biblical fact, no more, no less. This teaching may not be popular today in many circles, but it is the truth nontheless.

Of course, this is also no different from any other sin. This too has been completely paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross and can be forgiven. Homosexuality is not some kind of "unforgivable sin,” and homosexuals should in no way be hated, shunned, or looked upon as hopelessly condemned to hell.

However, a person may only receive the eternal benefits God’s free forgiveness if they acknowledge the truthfulness of His Word, and their sin, and thus repent and believe the Gospel. And people are not going to admit they are wrong and repent if they are told that what they are doing is not a sin. So – all churches that are doing this – cut it out! You're not helping, you're actually hurting people! And that's the point!

1 comment:

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel said...

Pastor Spencer -

Spot on with your short and concise commentary! You say:

".....And people are not going to admit they are wrong and repent if they are told that what they are doing is not a sin....."

Exactly! Christian pastors need to speak the truth in love and speak it regardless of the pressures of the political correctness culture.

May I share a topical message on the subject by providing a title and a link? There are some ideas in this message which may help other pastors speak to the subject:

Why Divine Revelation (Scripture) condemns homosexuality. Why homosexual activists become so upset when their lifestyle is called into question

Nathan M. Bickel - pastor emeritus

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