This is the final piece in the "Getting Right to the Point" series. Thank you for your patience - and your comments! Once again, if a Pastor or congregation would like to use the series in some form of outreach program, please feel free to do so. All I ask is that you don't edit the content without my permission. Thanks!
Take care and God bless!
Pastor Spencer
Right to the Point!
This New Year
May Be Your Last!
one, except God, knows what tomorrow will bring, we all know that. If that is
true of the next day, how much more so the next week, the next month, and the
next year! Perhaps it is for that reason that at the end of the year we spend
most of our time looking back. In fact, the favorite song for this time of
year, "Auld Lang Syne," actually means "old long since," or
more accurately, "long, long, ago." We focus on the past because we
can only guess about the future.
one basic question each and every human being needs to answer as we peer into
the unknown is this: If God would ask you why He should let you into His
heaven, what would you say? If the next year is your last – and it may be for
any of us – nothing else matters nearly as much!
answer given in the Bible is very clear and very simple. St. Paul writes,
"If you confess with your mouth Jesus
as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will
be saved." (Romans 10:9) That's it. That's the answer, plain and simple.
what will your top "New Year's Resolution" be? If you have this
faith, ask God to help you keep it. If you don't, starting looking to find it,
because it is what you will need if next year is your last. And that's the
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