Right to the Point!
Please Don’t
Pray To Angels!
all things should be, the focus of the holy angels is on our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, and not themselves. They announced His birth, protected the
Christ-child, served Jesus in the wilderness, and are still instantaneously
available for His service. Angels were heralds of His resurrection and
ascension, and give their special attention to ministers of Christ’s invisible
angels continually praise the ascended Christ before His throne, and will
accompany Him and assist Him at the final judgment. And it is only because of
their relationship to Jesus Christ, and at His bidding alone, that believers
receive the help and protection of angels.
Colossian 2:18; Revelation 19:10; and 22:8&9 expressly and absolutely
forbid and condemn the worship and invocation of angels. The Christian Church,
through the time of Pope Gregory the Great, completely condemned any such
practices. Indeed, up to the Seventh Century it was proclaimed gross idolatry
to invoke or adore angels in any way.
put it best when he said, "Although the angels in heaven pray for us, as
Christ Himself also does, . . . yet it does not follow that we should invoke
and adore the angels and saints, and fast, hold festivals, celebrate Mass in
their honor, make offerings, . . . and in still other ways serve them, and
regard them as helpers in need, as patrons and intercessors . . . For this is
idolatry, and such honor belongs to God alone!" And that's the point!
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