Who We Are

We are confessional Lutheran pastors, teachers and laymen who wish to promote, support, and, where necessary, encourage a restoration of confessional Lutheranism in America and around the world.

With the conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit, we are and strive to be "intrepid Lutherans" in the spirit of our Lutheran forefathers who, “with intrepid hearts,” were “willing to appear before the judgment seat of Christ with this Confession and give an account of it.” By branding ourselves as "intrepid," we do not in any way wish to convey a spirit of superiority or a claim to infallibility. On the contrary, each of us freely confesses with the Apostle Paul, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst” (1 Tim. 1:15). It is this Gospel message, and no worthiness in ourselves, that makes us firm in our conviction and intrepid in our witness.

The main tool of Intrepid Lutherans is this blog, which will serve as an online forum...
  1. to allow those who are in agreement with our beliefs to make their agreement known by adding their “signature” to our register;
  2. to encourage and inform confessional Lutheran pastors, teachers and laymen by sharing advice, articles and resources; and
  3. to identify instances of doctrine or practice that do not conform to confessional Lutheran principles in churches that claim to be Lutheran.

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