2012 Conference of Intrepid Lutherans

2012 Intrepid Lutherans Conference - Church and Continuity

Click here to download Conference Brochure
(which includes Conference Agenda, Presenter Biographies, etc.)

Click here to download Conference Promotional Packet
(for posting on your congregation's bulletin board)

The First Annual Conference of Intrepid Lutherans, "Church and Continuity," concluded on June 2, 2012, after what many described as a "surreal experience." The papers presented were all very well-researched and provided substantive support for the confessional Lutheran positions they advocated; and the discussion among attendees, both during the Q&A sessions following the papers, and informally during breaks, were indicative of the very serious issues confronting confessional Lutheranism everywhere, and the equally serious concern held by the Lutherans in attendance, who remain attentive to unhealthy changes in the Church brought about by worldly pressures and who are compelled to more than mere trust in an institution to correct them. This was by no means a meeting of loud complaining Lutherans with nothing more than opinions to fill the air, but a forum in which sound academic positions were calmly explicated, equipping laity and clergy with a solid foundation for thinking through the issues which face us and for the difficult tasks that lie ahead.

If you missed the Conference, then you missed an important and edifying confessional Lutheran event. However, we have supplied brief reviews of the presentations, including video of the presentations (where possible) and links to the corresponding papers that were delivered. Such are a far cry from having been there in person, but we hope they will suffice, and we hope that they will serve as a tantalizing invitation to our next Conference.

Click the links below to access the presentations:

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