Thursday, January 19, 2012

Must-listen mini-gems from Marquart: What is the Liturgy?

All it takes is a couple of minutes to listen to this short clip from a longer lecture on Liturgy and Evangelism by the sainted Rev. Kurt Marquart. The full-length audio recording can be found here.

Here's Marquart correcting some common misconceptions of the Liturgy.


A few quotes from the above clip:
    "The Liturgy is far more than ceremonies."

    "'Liturgy' means a 'public service.' Therefore, says the Apology, the word 'Liturgy' - leitourgia - fits very well with our understanding of the Ministry, because a minister who preaches offers Christ to the people...just as he who consecrates offers the Lord's body and blood to the people."

    "So what happens is, the public celebration of the mysteries of God, the giving out of the life of God that flows as at a living oasis. It's a connection to the Eucharist."


Anonymous said...

That the Confessions define "liturgy," not as mere ceremonies, but rather as a public service that offers and gives the mystery of Christ (as a living oasis) is a profound thought that deserves further development.

Pastor Marquart seems to say that this definition is in Article 28 of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession. I think he must have meant instead Article 24, paragraph 80.

Thank you Intrepid Lutherans.

Rick Techlin

Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...

Yes, you're right, Rick. It was Apology Art. 24.

You're also right that much more needs to be said about the definition that history and our Confessions give to the word "liturgy." It's not the "in-between bits," as Marquart points out.

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