But for those who only have a couple of minutes today, please take the time to listen to this short clip from a longer lecture on Liturgy and Evangelism. The full-length audio recording can be found here.
More clips will be posted in days to come.
A few quotes from the above clip:
- "If you're talking about private, individual worship, you can hardly define worship as anything but faith itself. The highest worship of God is faith itself."
"We cannot honor God more highly than simply to receive what he gives. There is no greater worship than receiving the Son of God as our Savior in faith."
"And without faith, no ritual, no genuflection, no gesture is any good. With it, almost anything is good. But it's got to express that faith and not fundamentally counteract it."
"In Christian worship, the mind and the soul are in control, not the body with its foot tapping and its thigh slapping."
"Anything worthwhile in worship, in the service of God, has to arise out of faith."
1 comment:
Just a biographical note that may be of interest to intrepid Lutherans - Pr Marquart served two congregations here in Toowoomba, Australia (the city where I currently serve) for 14 years, c. 1961-1975. He is still fondly remembered by many of the older folk here, who, interestingly, speak not so much of his theological acumen but of his pastoral concern for the poor, which often meant providing them with food from his own household pantry. I've seen an old clipping from the local newspaper which reports how a young Pr Marquart successfully made representations before a local magistrate (judge) for an indigenous family (aboriginal Australians) who were in danger of being evicted from their home - a lesser known side of this sainted theologian.
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