Here's Marquart on Corporate Worship.
A few quotes from the above clip:
- "If faith is all that is essential, then the essence of corporate worship is the celebration of those things which kindle faith and which build it, therefore, the Gospel and the Sacrament."
"That means that, from antiquity on, preaching and the Eucharist have constituted the Divine Service."
"Corporately, worship is, first of all, preaching and the Sacrament by which the faith is given us and confirmed. And out of that, then, comes the praise and thanksgiving which is a result of what God gives us."
It was my privilege to have Prof. Marquart for six classes as a seminary student, including both required Lutheran Confessions classes as well as an elective called "Worship in Luther and the Confessions." May his memory be eternal!
Pr. Rydecki, this is a good series and this clip is foundational.
I would suggest a slightly more specific emphasis to what Rev. Marquart said: "...corporate worship is the celebration of those things which" ... offer and give the forgiveness of sins in our presence to "kindle and build" faith. The Divine Service is justification by faith alone in action. Faith is not created and nurtured by remembering an event which occurred on a cross 2,000 years ago. Rather faith is created and nurtured by the Gospel and the Sacrament bringing the forgiveness won on the cross 2,000 years ago to our presence now.
Rev. John Pless wrote an excellent paper that emphasizes that distinctive of Lutheran worship: It delivers the forgiveness of sins. Read it here:
- Rev. James Schulz
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