Tuesday, December 6, 2011
New Poll - WELS pastors on NIV 2011
We've added a new poll question on the right hand column. This one is just for WELS pastors. We'll open up the question to everyone in the coming weeks. We'd like to know where our readership is at on the question of the NIV 2011.
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Good thought.
The ELS has made up their mind. The Doctrine Committee of the ELS yesterday announced its recommendation against the NIV and toward "translations such as:
New King James Version (NKJV), English Standard Version (ESV), An American Translation (Beck, AAT), and the New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB95)."
This is based on the fact that the NIV 2011 has "diminished the accuracy of the NIV." It seems that everyone would agree with that. Now if only everyone could see that without the screen of 'readability' over their eyes.
As to your poll question: I know that polls are limited, but I see a choice between the first two options. I will not use it, but I wouldn't necessarily avoid every publication that uses it. We already have examples in NPH publications where the NIV84 translation is poor and the author corrects it. I would have to see that the publication had no value before I would go the extreme of avoiding all publications that use it.
Having said that, I would think that a vote to use NIV2011 would bring about further discussions on matters of doctrine and practice that, with the Lord's blessing, would be beneficial.
It is my desire, and ours as a conference (SW Wisconsin) that we have a Yea or Nay vote on NIV2011 and that the result be nay. I would also hope that our sister synod's decision would move us to follow their lead, yes out of Christian love and charity, but mostly because we recognize what their doctrine committee has recognized.
Pete Snyder
Great point, Pete. You're right, there could well be some inbetween options in the poll. Think of it as more of a "choose the best answer" kind of question. No one is binding himself here with his answer.
I also think you have a great point about a Yea or Nay vote on the NIV instead of throwing it in a hat with other options and trying to come up with a two thirds majority out of them all. Hopefully your conference's wishes will take the form of a district resolution come next summer.
Paul, we decided at our conference last week to memorialize the synod praesidium, so regardless of what the district does, the request will be before them to have it just be an up or down vote on NIV2011.
Pete Snyder
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