Thursday, May 31, 2012

Intrepid Lutherans Conference Agenda

For those who will be attending the Church and Continuity Conference this Friday and Saturday...


Friday, June 1st
    5 PM – Board of Director's Meeting for Intrepid Lutherans, Inc.

    6 PM – Intrepid Lutherans Dinner with after dinner speaker, Rev. Robert Koester

    8 PM – Gemütlichkeit
Saturday, June 2nd
    9 AM – Matins

    9:30 – Welcome, Announcements, & Introduction, Chairman Rev. Paul Rydecki

    9:40 – Presentation: "What Has Brought Us Here?" Historical overview of the past 30 years in WELS and current issues, moderator – Rev. Steven Spencer; panel – Mr. Brian Heyer, Mr. Rick Techlin, and other laymen from the area, with discussion

    10:15 – Presentation: "Why Is This Happening to Us?" How the culture wars have become religious wars among us, Mr. Douglas Lindee, followed by discussion

    11:30 – Lunch provided on site

    12:00 – Presentation: "The Consequences of Church Growth Theology" What it is, where it is, and why it is dangerous, Rev. Luke Boehringer, followed by discussion

    1:15 – Presentation: "The Beauty of the Western Rite" How the complete Divine Liturgy fulfills the spiritual needs of our Pastors and people, Rev. Michael Berg; followed by discussion

    3:00 – BREAK

    3:15 – Presentation:"Do We Want to Be Dresden Lutherans?" What it means to be tied to the Book of Concord rather than to a church body, school, family, or ministerium, Rev. Paul Rydecki, followed by discussion

    4:15 – Open Forum

    4:45 – Preliminary planning for next conference

    5:00 – Vespers


Les Baker said...

Are there any downloads available for the presentations? Somewhere in the back of my mind l seem to remember something being said that there would be downloads available?
Leslie Baker

Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...

We're planning on offering the presentations online, but it will probably be after the conference is over. We'll keep you posted!

Unknown said...

I believe everyone survived a very jam packed day of presentations at IL conference today. Very solid meat to chew on throughout the day. More Gemütlichkeit may need inserted as we are hanging around Oshkosh for the evening looking for things to do.

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