A Clear Explanation of the Controversy among the Wittenberg Theologians
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Aegidius Hunnius, writing for the faculty at the University of Wittenberg, explains in greater detail the controversy that had arisen with Samuel Huber. He gives examples of Huber's false doctrine concerning universal election, universal justification, and the supposed regeneration of hypocrites in Baptism. Just as importantly, Hunnius demonstrates how the orthodox Lutheran treatment of the these articles differs from Huber's position.
Though a shorter work than the Theses Opposed to Huberianism, this explanation is more direct and, in my opinion, more enlightening.
I thought Theses Opposed to Huberianism was outstanding, clear and precise. This additional translation is another exceptional testament to the opposition Confessional Lutherans have against the new rational gospel of Universal Objective Justification. Both lead me to the question: What will the Lutheran Synods call themselves when they finally come to grips with the fact they jettisoned Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions with this new gospel which Paul spoke of in Galatians 1 and which Christ foretold of in Thess. 2? It is clear that 'Lutheran' no longer fits. Will they simply assume the new world religion that they are financing through Thrivent - the United Religions Initiative?
How does the doctrine of Objective Justification reconcile with this theme-setting statement from Hunnius' A Clear Explanation of the Controversy among the Wittenberg Theologians:
"Our Churches have always taught and still teach the justification that is by faith and that pertains to believers, but that by no means extends to the whole world." (Chapter II: Concerning Justification, p.57)
+ Pr. Jim Schulz
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