Thursday, January 17, 2013

Change or Die IV

It wouldn't be another year without another Change or Die conference, hosted by Pastor Mark Jeske and Time of Grace.

The list of "Inspirational speakers" can be found here:

The agenda can be found here:

The irony just keeps growing.


Tim Niedfeldt said...

Ugggh. It should be sub-titled. "Where religion goes to die" Have no fear...I'm sure the discipline is swiftly forthcoming.

Tim Niedfeldt

Joe Krohn said...

Duplicious, indeed. The outward catholic church is dead in America.

WELS church lady said...

I have contacted Brother Jeske...more than once. He refuses to listen. This February Rev. Mark Jeske is scheduled as a speaker on day two of a marriage conference at St. Marks(John Parlow's congregation). Get this, Christian comedian Brad Stine will be performing on day one. Mr. Stine is NOT Lutheran. It begs the question, "Who died and left these guys in charge?" the real "change" that these folks are after is your "spare" change. Jeske is buddies with the ilk that work on the Day Star Network. These preachers on the Day Star are FALSE PROPHETS who live for greed in their many mansions. These same Powers That Be are the ones behind the NNIV. We must say "NO" to such a translation. Jeske's friend Bruce Eberle is the one who helped start the Time Of Grace idea. I also have personally contacted Mr. Eberle, as he has been peddling some false-hoods concerning recent news events. This is unacceptable; I will not sit and watch our synod be destroyed. The synod convention is approaching, and we have one shot concerning the Bible Translation.

In Christ,
Rebecca Quam

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