
Thursday, October 31, 2013

95 Theses for Reformation Day: Fighting for the Faith

Below is a link to some thought-provoking theses which are meant to be read and debated.  Readers are welcome to debate them here on Intrepid Lutherans.

A New 95 Theses: Challenging The Excesses Of American Evangelicalism (on the web)

A New 95 Theses: Challenging The Excesses Of American Evangelicalism (in PDF format)


  1. I heard an Evangelical (Todd Friel, former WELS) discussing these on his broadcast today. He was pretty much in agreement with them (at least the ones that he read on the air). Remember, not all Evangelicals are the Schwarmerei that many of us Lutherans imagine them to be.

    --Joel Lillo

  2. Read Friel's Wretched blog and compare it to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions to see what kind of Evangelical he is.

  3. Todd Friel's statement of faith on Wretched that tells us that he's a Schwarmer through and through and a typical Evangelical no different than any other:

    "We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life" (Romans 8:13-14, I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19-20, Ephesians 4:30; 5:18). I.e. the Holy Spirit works apart from the means of grace.

    That Todd was once WELS (even attended Northwestern College, the pastor-training school) and now an Evangelical is the more telling story and perhaps a cautionary tale.

    + Pr. Jim Schulz

  4. Well now they don't need to leave the WELS to be "Evangelical."


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